Dive into the otherworld of our backyard giants here on Vancouver Island. If expanses of fir groves and ancient cedar are first to mind, you’re not thinking big enough yet. We’re going to where the Gods shed tears. We’re heading to the immeasurable waterfall today.
Vancouver Island is littered with them. Let me tell ya. When it rains everything pours. You may be reading this along the side of Hwy 4 right now wondering when the pool on the road is going to recede. Well, those waterfalls are only temporary. But chances are that you’re closer to a much, much larger, and more permanent example than you know.
There isn’t much room for slowing down when you fall from a mountain to the sea. The hydrography of Vancouver Island is always churning towards the sea. Meltwater races in spring with such force that rocks can be heard tumbling downstream, knocking and wedging along the bottom. Out of sight, but rarely out of earshot.

Consider ourselves lucky to meet Backroad Journals. Their quiet approach of capture allows the majesty of these waterfalls to speak for themselves most of the time, so you can hear those rocks changing positions, and spend more time discussing travel arrangements with the person next to you.
And plan well you must. Places such as these demand our obedience. The bright and alert faces of Backroad Journals is a welcomed reprieve while they tip-toe precariously up to precipices for the ultimate shot. Use this video journal to examine closely what you’ll be getting yourself into should you attempt an expedition yourself. You’ll receive direction in the video, but it’s the little things that matter most to get the best experience from these locations.
I’ll let you in on one little secret here - one of these Falls is the infamous Virgin Falls. You may have heard a little about it. Pristine, untouched, deep down a road only navigable by 4x4. Chances are you’ll be the only people there once you arrive; that you’ll have the entire pool to yourself; that the message of the water is for your ears only. Maybe those are the stories you’ve heard?
There’s evidence at each of these very special locations that support the myth of the waterfall. I guarantee the water will be falling when you arrive, but what you see behind the cascade is ultimately up to you. Some legends suggest that waterfalls act as gateways to other dimensions or parallel worlds. It is believed that by stepping into the falling waters, one can transcend into a realm beyond our own.

Follow the video to a backroad realm that exists parallel to the one we’re in right now. If you experience any dampness watching, that is your own sense of adventure calling. The makers of this video are not responsible for igniting a passion that was already there.
Written by: Wymon Stanlick